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Rope Instruction 103

  • Private Home St Augustine FL Usa (map)

Vetting practices are in place.

Disclaimer: This is a series of classes meant to be taken in order. (This is because the classes will move at a certain pace and we don't want to hold anyone back.)

Rope Education Series: Taking you from never tied before to your first flight.

Rope 103: The Air Up There! or Baby's First Suspension!
Class will start immediately cause there is a lot to cover and a lot to tie.
Prerequisites: 101 and 102 or demonstrate knowledge
Rope: 4-6 30 ft pieces
Time: 2-4 Hours
Ties: Basic Chest Harness, Gunslinger Hip Harness and Uplines (the y-knot and figure 8 friction hitch and tension lock-off.)

March 10

StA Munch

March 20

Kinbaku Cardinale Presents - Seiza III Tenshi Harness - Chest free harness